A full length movie from Appertiff – swedish snowboard lovers since…way back.
Appertiff Decade snowboarding from 2000 until 2010. Snowboarding for us? Riding with your friends, sunshine striking your face and lots of highfives! The last ten years of snowboarding has pretty much shaped the men we are today. We give you our last decade and lifestory!
Diamond are releasing their own range of sneakers. Don´t expect the hype to be equal that of the Nike Dunks. But there still might be a small buzz. From the pictures that have leaked we´re not too impressed. But you never know.
If you´re not into snowbaording you might as well go away during the winter. Surf travel company Surfinn Surfcamps have trips – or rather whole camps – in Portugal and Morocco. So now is as good as any time to go surfing.
Algarve is a great, no matter if you´re into kit surfing, wind surfing or just surfing. And SurfInn have camps in several places in Portugal. We´ve never been to Morocco, bur from what we´ve heard it´s also great. Apparently you can even go snowboarding in the mountains!
Foursquare used to be one of the best outdoor brands. But now being owned by Burton they seem to have lost…something. The clothes are not so inovative, cool looking or high tech as they used to be. Anyway, Pat Moore is always killing it big mountainwise. And this video is no exception.
Bustin Boards have made a small video. We like longboarding, but please quit the rolled up jeans and over all hipster look. I guess the European version of longboaring is more focused on transporting or bombing hills. Not as much on tricks like handstand.
2010 Concrete Wave Evolutions DVD – Bustin Boards: Push Culture Longboarding NYC.
Here is the full length Bustin Boards episode from the 2010 Evolutions DVD featuring the full line of boards from Bustin Brooklyn and our NYC family of longboarders. Push Culture Longboarding is about the euphoria of skating in an interactive environment such as a big city, small town or college campus and this mini-documentary sets out to capture that feeling from the riders who live it everyday in New York City. Longboarding in the Big Apple is unlike anything you’ll ever experience and with the ever-expanding network of bike paths it is becoming safer and safer everyday. Follow the Bustin Crew as they skate the city and talk about how they got into longboarding, what its like to longboard in New York City and where they think longboarding is going.
Probably the best brand to coma out of Europe -and definitly the best swiss brand – Zimtstern has launched the new site for 2010/11.
New for this year is that the gear is a bit more mellow. As always the web shop is updated and just waiting for your order. So if you want to get that look that Hasse Haze Åhlund rocks – here´s your chance.