If you have some time over here is the complete movie “We” from Brothers Factory, the whole 53 minutes of it. This is the third movie from Brothers Factory. Pretty cool to be able to watch it online for free.
The latest movie from Teton Gravity Project is called Anomaly, and this is the teaser for the teaser. That’s how big this movie is 😉 Nice touch with the commentary.
Things to look forward to in this movie is Jamie Pierre’s insane 255 feet cliff drop, Chris Collins triple backflip and like always in TGR’s movie some really impressive riding.
I was looking around for some new shoes for the summer and ran into these, Vans Hosoi. The shoes are inspired by legendary skateboarder “Christian Hosoi” and his Rising sun graphic. I just love ’em.
Here’s two clips of Bob Burnquist from the Mega Ramp contest in Mexico City when Bob pulled of a frontflip. The first one is his first attempt and the second one is when he nailed it. Not that good video, but it’s still pretty impressive.
During the Mega Ramp contest in Mexico City, some wild things went down. Danny Way pulled of two backflips during practice runs and Bob Burnquist pulled of a front flip a couple of days later. I’ll be back with more info about the front flip.
Check out these duct tape wallets from db clay. Regular duct tape wallets have been around for a while but db clay takes duct tape wallets to a whole new level. The design of each wallet have a little story to it, for instance the Dammasch design comes from a pattern found at an abandoned mental care facility.