Archive for the 'Streetwear' Category

Flux signs Romain DeMarchi

Saturday, January 10th, 2009

Flux bindings have signed Romain DeMarchi. Romain was dropped by Burton eralier this season (2008). According to the press release Romain says: When asked why he chose to team up with Flux he responds, “Back in the day, before I was riding for the B, I was using Flux bindings. I always remembered how comfortable […]

Review: Signal Park Rocker

Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

So here it is – one of this seasons most talked about boards: the Park Rocker from Signal Snowboards. You might remember our earlier posts about choosing rocker board. When only reading reviews as well as forum discussions about the different boards it was really hard to tell which one would be the “best”. But […]

Signal Snowboards

Sunday, January 4th, 2009

Signal Snowboards & Outerwear coming strong 09/10. The outerwear has connections with the Planet Earth family. More details are coming. Also check back for a full review of the Signal Park Rocker. One of the best boards this year.

Coal Headwear Winter 08/09

Sunday, January 4th, 2009

Last year we gave you some tips on how to stay warm yet still fresh and stylish with beanies from Coal. With the winter being all over us here are some new tips from one of our favourite brands. A good choice is always to go for the simple and classic beanies. No fuzz – […]

Ashybury Eyewear

Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

Louie Fountain gives Ashbury two thumbs up! Ashbury Eyewear is another exciting new company that is driven by snowboarders. By snowboarders for snowboarders has been sort of hyped word. But with Ashbury it´s the truth. On the team we find Nima Jalai, LNP of Rome fame and one of our all time favourite riders Louie […]

Hang your snowboard on the wall – the boarddock

Sunday, November 9th, 2008

Now this is a simple and easy invention. With the Boarddock you can easily hang your board (any board will do: snowboard, skateboard, kiteboard – well maybe not a surfboard or a windsurfing board) up on the wall. When you need to use your board, just “open” the hangers (with open we mean just turn […]

A visit at Skullcandy hq

Thursday, November 6th, 2008

Karmaloop TV has made a short visit at Skullcandy headquarters. Embed: